Port Granby - PHAI
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June 03, 2021

Port Granby

Two positive cases of COVID-19 have been identified at CNL’s Port Granby Waste Water Treatment Plant. The situation has been classified as a workplace outbreak by local health officials in Durham Region.

Staff involved were based only in the plant and their work did not require interaction with the local communities.

Contact tracing has been completed. The worksite has been deep cleaned and sanitized, and CNL is maintaining the plant in a safe state. CNL will continue to work closely with local public health authorities and follow their guidance.

Since the pandemic began, all PHAI activities have been performed in keeping with strict protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep staff and the public safe. These protocols include daily screening of field staff, wearing of facing coverings while working on CNL sites, maintaining physical distancing, strictly controlling the number of people working on sites or at CNL offices, and having staff work remotely wherever possible.

CNL is providing the necessary support to ensure our employees have the resources they need. We wish staff who are ill a speedy and full recovery.