As part of Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) activities, CNL contractors will be performing topography and property line surveys throughout various neighbourhoods and municipal road allowances. These surveys gather information required for accurate restoration of properties to be cleaned up.
Where possible, contractors will try to minimize impacts to property owners by remaining on the road allowance, close to private property lines. Under the Ontario Surveys Act, the licensed Land Surveyor may require access to private properties to complete this work and will attempt real time communication with owners.
Surveyors will not have access to PHAI information.
Note visits may take a few days to complete and could require multiple visits to the property.
Any questions can be directed to CNL Communications at 905.885.0291 or [email protected].
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is committed to the safety of the public, its workers and the environment while undertaking this community-requested solution to a longstanding environmental issue.