With PHAI work on the cleanup and restoration of private properties underway even in the winter months, staff is mindful about challenges that may arise. Complex issues from working around unstable infrastructure, saving large trees where possible, to finding workable solutions for unforeseen impacts or hazards make the job difficult and time consuming.
Successfully addressing these and any other challenge requires both technical expertise, patience, and effective communication. The goal is to safely restore the home/property to original conditions (or as close as possible) and this means that plans must be flexible and adaptable, with staff tackling each challenge as it arises while prioritizing safety, efficiency, and the homeowner’s well-being.
Residences in Port Hope are built on varying terrain, with several found in older neighborhoods. As a result, there is often poor or failing infrastructure which can significantly extend project timelines. Water pipes, electrical systems, and sewage pipelines all need to be accommodated to ensure there are no service impacts for the homeowner. Existing infrastructure needs to be identified and reinforced as needed before work can occur.
Additionally, large trees and stumps can affect work. Removing stumps requires specialized equipment and skilled personnel, especially if the tree was large or the root system has caused significant infrastructure or ground displacement. Frequently property owners opt for a property-owner-directed cleanup and choose to leave mature trees on their property. This not only saves the trees but avoids challenges that may be laying in wait.
Weather conditions can also unpredictably alter the pace of cleanup efforts. Heavy rains, high winds, or extreme temperatures may prevent crews from safely working outdoors or using equipment. Contingency is usually built into schedules, though persistent challenges will have far reaching impacts.
At anytime the staff is expecting the unexpected. Even after cleanup begins, staff might uncover structural damage or contamination that many not have been visible during the design phase. This will add complexity and time to the cleanup process.
Overall, PHAI work on private properties is a lesson in complexity, unpredictability and problem solving. We appreciate the patience and understanding residents have shown as move towards a cleaner environment through this community-requested project. PHAI work is a solution to a long-standing environmental issue. If you have questions or would like more information about the PHAI contact our office at 905-885-0291 or visit phai.ca