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February 16, 2023

NOTICE OF UPCOMING WORK – Lions Recreation Centre Park

As part of Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) activities, our contractor will be performing additional preparatory work to facilitate the upcoming removal of industrial waste and historic low-level radioactive waste from the Lions Recreation Centre Park site.

This work is scheduled to begin in March 2023 and includes fence installation. Additional tree removal to facilitate the construction of temporary haul roads and a laydown area will also be completed.

Access to the facility and parking lot will remain. Thomas Street will be closed at the parking area but be accessible from Walton Street. Please obey any posted signage.

The Lions Recreation Centre Park is one of several municipally owned sites that are being cleaned up and restored through the PHAI, including the replanting of trees and other vegetation.

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories is committed to the safety of the public, its workers and the environment while undertaking this community-requested solution to a longstanding environmental issue.